Empowering Not-for-Profits with AI

Save Time, Cut Costs, Increase Impact!

We're dedicated to providing not-for-profit organisations with direct access to the latest AI knowledge and resources. Leverage tailored AI insights to address real-world challenges, optimise operations, reduce costs, and amplify your impact. 

Tech-Driven Change, Human-Centric Impact

Unlock the Power of AI for Your NFP with Intro to AI eBook! 

Are you ready to transform your NFP's reach and impact? By signing up today, you'll gain exclusive access to our value packed Into to AI for Not-for-Profits eBook, plus access a prompting webinar recording and 30 prompts designed exclusively for non-profits to help you master the art of ChatGPT.

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Introduction to AI Workshop

Unlock the potential of AI to make your non profit more efficient and effective.

Our 'Introduction to AI Workshop' is designed to demystify AI and provide you with the practical tools and knowledge to harness its power. We'll explore the ethical considerations, learn how to effectively utilise AI through expert prompting, and discover the best models and tools tailored for the unique needs of non profits.

  • Ethics Unpacked

    Understand key ethical practices to ensure your AI implementations are responsible.

  • Master Prompting

    Enhance your results by learning prompt engeneering, boosting reliability and accuracy.

  • Tools and Automations

    Utilise cutting-edge tools and automations for operational efficiency.

  • AI Policy

    Develop a robust AI policy with our easy-to-use template.

Book Your Introduction To AI Workshop Now
  • 14

    Years of Non Profit Experience

  • 1000+

    Hours Using AI

  • 100+


Ready to dive in?

Explore our custom solutions and free resources.

Free Resources

Accelerate your mission with our free guides, each a powerful key to unlocking AI's potential for your nonprofit. Embrace these resources and elevate your impact, efficiency, and innovation—at no cost.

  • Coming soon

    Intro to AI eBook

    An essential guide for non-profits to harness AI for efficiency, innovation, and impactful change.

  • Coming soon


    Strengthen your AI proficiency with guided tutorials tailored for not-for-profit organizations.

  • Coming soon

    Prompt Library

    Explore a curated collection of 30 AI prompts designed to inspire innovation in the not-for-profit sector.

  • Coming soon


    Explore our webinars that delve into prompting, AI applications, and strategies for not-for-profits.

  • Coming soon

    AI Policy Template

    Access templates to develop comprehensive AI policies that align with not-for-profit objectives and values.

  • Coming soon


    Read insightful articles that provide in-depth analysis of AI trends and their impact on not-for-profit operations.

  • Behind NFPs.AI

    Kyle Behrend, the founder of NFPs.AI, is a seasoned not-for-profit professional with over 13 years of diverse experience. A dedicated helper at heart, Kyle's mission is to empower NFPs by opening access to AI. His vision is to equip organisations with the knowledge and tools they need to maximise their impact. With NFPs.AI, he aims to foster a future where not-for-profits confidently harness AI technology to cut cost, save resources and increase impact.

    Connect on Linkedin.

    Learn More

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Got questions about our services, AI, or how we can help your NFP thrive? You're in the right place. Our FAQ section is designed to provide comprehensive answers and clear up any confusion you might have.


    NFPs.AI is an innovative platform dedicated to empowering not-for-profit organisations by providing access to the latest AI knowledge and tools. We offer a weekly email subscription that features real-life AI use cases, the most relevant AI news, and exclusive access to a library of AI resources tailored to the unique needs of not-for-profits.

    AI can benefit not-for-profit organisations in numerous ways, including optimising operations, reducing costs, and magnifying their impact. AI technologies can automate repetitive tasks, analyse large volumes of data for strategic insights, and enhance donor engagement, to name just a few potential applications.

    No, you don’t need any prior technical knowledge to benefit from our service. Our aim is to make AI accessible and comprehensible to everyone. We present information in an easy-to-understand format, and provide practical examples of how AI can be applied in the not-for-profit sector.

    Yes, like any technology, AI should be used responsibly. This includes ensuring data privacy, avoiding bias in AI models, and using AI in ways that are transparent and accountable. We believe in ethical AI use and aim to educate not-for-profits on best practices to ensure that AI is used to benefit all stakeholders.